~ motion ~

I do video stuff, here is some of it! (more on vimeo and yootoob). Also I do gifs.

Dwebcamp, 2019
My experience at Dwebcamp compiled from videos from my sunglasses, 2019

My Drunk iMac Repair, 2019
A video I shot and edited of upgrading my friend's iMac in 2018 in the style of ‘My Drunk Kitchen’.

J ur ass I c, 2017
Premiered at Artist Television Access in San Francisco. (Jay, your ass I see)

Intellectual Botox S01E02 - Compost Chronicles
I didn't edit this one, only acted in it. Internal video from my time at Singularity University. There's also a part 2.

Logo and motion graphics commissioned by Claremont Community Television, Spring 2012.

tip tip tip, 2012
All tips from a Verge review of the best styli for iPads.

get that kid off my ice VS adventure time, 2012
A video remix of the video from a scene from Adventure Time and the audio from a Fensler G. I. Joe remix

Tralizdav, 2008
A video experiment set to the Department of Eagles song "Sailing By Night".

Stepping off the Earth, 2008
Video shot at the Marin Headlands in Marin California. The music is Black Out by Grouper.